Fanuc 0T training/programming manual
Communication on OiM control
To load a program from a USB drive: Fanuc Program Transfer MDI settings to 17 for I/O channel.
Press Edit Mode, Dir OPRT, Device Change USB MEM, Cursor down to program you want to transfer to memory, Hit F Input, Press F Name, Press F Get, Press F Name again, Program number will move to F Name Area, Type in new number, Press O Set, Press Exec, press Device Change, CNC Mem Program should be in cnc mem dir.
Set Tool Data offset, Fanuc 0I-M, go to tool offset page, bring tool down to touch object, Type letter Z, then press INPUT C button, Z machine value should be transferred into active register. If the value is different, zero out the G54 Work Offset Z register.
Old Fanuc 0T…option one, set tool offsets, measure diameter off of part, go to TOOL GEOMETRY page, highlight tool number X column, bring tool to touch OD of part, type in MX and diameter of part, press input. Set Z offset off of gage block from face of chuck, touch tool, type in MZ 0 input. To set workshift on older control, measure distance from where you touched off Z offset and face of part, that is workshift distance.
Old Fanuc 0T…option two, set finish tool to Z 0 on tool offset page when facing off part, adjust Workshift to get a Z 0 on the position page in Absolute Position. Workshift is set, set all other tools off face of part as Z 0.