There can be many benefits to having a well trained CNC Operator/Technician, these are a few that come to my mind.
Well trained Operator:
- produces higher quality parts
- performs setups faster
- overall more productive
- more likely to accept ownership
- machine may have less downtime
- more conscious about tooling costs
- utilizes tooling more efficiently
- understands inspection methods
Button Pusher type operator:
- requires a lower wage to fill position
Another typical scenario is a company that tries to do the training internally. Here’s what the company may experience:
- basic skill requirements are not established for new guy
- quality of time allotted for the training of the new guy
- training may be rushed as the guy training has other things to do
- interference in the training due to changes in work load
- new guy has to “figure some things out” on his own time
- new guy has no resources for any follow up training
- companies that experience a high turn over of operators
- did the person doing the training receive training from a qualified person
If you have anything else to add feel free to send it to me